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SMS Features

Online web-based application, cloud ready architecture.

Its a complete end-to-end solutions for your school from inquiries, registration, admission, fee vouchers, attendance, sms, and much more.

A complete school management system is a project of SW3 Solutions which offer an online school administration and student information system that’s truly affordable. SMS is based on open source technologies providing web based interface, that has been especially designed considering the challenges institutes come across.

Some of these challenges are low cost ownership, mediocre IT infrastructure; skill set level requirements, resource optimization, parent-student-teacher community interaction, security and stability. Emphasis has been given on easy-to-use interface. The menu-driven screens have detailed explanations and offer several options. The user needs no programmers or database experts to benefits from this system.

Students Management

  • Inquiries
  • Registrations
  • Admissions
  • Students Profile Management
  • Students Navigator for Searching
  • Inter-School Transfers
  • Withdrawals
  • Re-joinings
  • Promotions
  • Homework
  • Dashboard for Management
  • Statistics Summary with Export
  • Admissions, Withdrawals, Re-Joining Reports
  • Leaves management
  • Online Students Registrations & Withdrawals Requests
  • Excel List Export with Custom Columns Selection
  • App Notices & Notifications

Fee Management

  • Fee Structures
  • Fee Categories
  • Fee Concessions Management
  • Regular Fee Generation
  • Custom Fee Generation
  • Fee Collection
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Fee Collection Collaboration with Bank Systems
  • Student Final Settlement Generation on Withdrawal
  • Billing Dashboard
  • Billing Reports like Fee Generation Summary, Concession Details, Collection Summary, Defaulters List, Challan Distribution List, Fine Collection, Security Deposits, etc

Exams Management

  • Exams Management
  • Class Teachers Assignment
  • Subjects Assignment to Students with Teachers
  • Grades List Management
  • Marks Entry
  • Marks Entry from Teachers Portal & App for Assigned Subjects/Classes
  • Report Cards Generation
  • Multiple Reports & Analysis
  • Report Cards Generation

Timetable Management

  • Periods/Seasons Management
  • Timetables Management
  • Timetable Schedular (Manual, drag & drop)
  • Timetable Generation

SMS Calendar Management

  • Events Calendar
  • Event Categories Management
  • Events Management
  • Event Tasks Management & Assignment
  • Event Photos Management
  • Event Videos Management

HR Management

  • Staff Management
  • Students Navigator for Searching
  • Departments Management
  • Designations Management
  • Leaves Management
  • Inter-School Transfers Management
  • Resignations Management
  • Re-Joinings Management
  • Promotions Management
  • App Notices & Notifications
  • Statistics Summary
  • Reports Generation
  • Management Dashboard

Payroll Management

  • Salaries Management
  • EOBI Management
  • Provident Fund Management
  • Social Security Management
  • Income Tax Management
  • Loans/Advance Payments Management
  • Bonuses/Additional Payments Management
  • Monthly Adjusts (Auto generation based on Leaves Policy)
  • Payroll Generation Management
  • Staff Final Settlements
  • Reports e.g; Payroll Sheet, Salary Slips, Bank Transfer Letters, Employees GL, Loans, etc
  • Management Dashboard

Petty Cash Management

  • Categories Management
  • Receipts Management
  • Payments Management
  • Reports e.g; Cash Flow, Day Book, etc

Accounts Management

  • Chart of Accounts Setup
  • Vouchers Management
  • Ledgers Management
  • Balance Sheet
  • Trial Balance
  • Profit & Loss Statement
  • General Ledger
  • Year Closing

Bio-metric Attendance

  • Students & Staff Attendance Management
  • eSchool own Bio-metric Attendance Solution
  • Integration with Any Bio-metric Attendance Machine
  • Manual Attendance Management on Web Portal
  • Class Attendance Option on App for Class Teachers

SMS Integration

  • SMS Management on a Click
  • Send Bulk SMS to Students & Staff
  • Integration with Multiple SMS Service Providers
  • SMS using GPRS Modem Feature available
  • Automated SMS Reminders for FEE

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